Charity Pickleball Tournament
UPDATE: This event has been postponed, date TBD. Competitive and Leisure Brackets $75 Per Person | Win Great Prizes, Enjoy Great Food & More! Your...
Tags: donate, drug, Glendale, nonprofit, pickleball, sponsor, tournament, Westgate

Sponsor our 1st Annual Pickleball Tournament!
UPDATE: This event has been postponed, date TBD. Support Rise Up! Glendale: Your contribution will support the youth in our community to develop life...
Tags: donate, drug, Glendale, nonprofit, pickleball, sponsor, tournament, Westgate

Social Admission – Pickleball Tournament
UPDATE: This event has been postponed, date TBD. Want to support the event, but not play? Your participation contributes to preventing substance use among...
Tags: donate, drug, Glendale, nonprofit, pickleball, sponsor, tournament, Westgate

Southwest Prevention Fest | Dec 2023
Rise Up! Glendale Youth at the event
Tags: drug, Event, Prevention, Rise Up! Glendale, Southwest Prevention Fest, Vive18, Youth